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Chapter 83 (Sura 83)
1; WOE TO THOSE who give short measure,
2; Who insist on being given full when they take from others,
3; Whilst when they measure or weigh for them, give less.
4; Do they not think they will be raised (to life) again
5; On a grievous day,
6; The day all mankind will stand before the Lord of all the worlds?
7; Indeed the ledger of the wicked will be in (the lowest depths) Sijjin.
8; How will you comprehend what Sijjin is?
9; It is a (repository of) distinctly written record.
10; Ah the woe that day for those who deny,
11; Who call the Day of judgement a lie!
12; None denies it but the sinful transgressors.
13; When Our revelations are recited before him, he says: “These are fables of long ago.”
14; No. In fact what they have been doing has rusted their hearts.
15; Therefore they will be screened off from their Lord that day,
16; Then they will indeed burn in Hell.
17; They will then be told: “This is what you had denied.”
18; Surely the ledger of the pious will be in ´Illiyun (heights above the heights).
19; But how will you comprehend what ´Illiyun is?
20; It is a (repository of) distinctly written record
21; Witnessed by those who are honoured.
22; Verily the pious will be in heaven,
23; On couches face to face.
24; On their faces you will see the glow of beatitude.
25; They will be served the choicest wine, sealed
26; With a sealing of musk, which those who aspire for the best should desire, —
27; Blended with the water of Tasnim, (heights ultimate of evolution),
28; A fountain from which only they who are honoured drink.
29; The sinners indeed laughed at believers
30; And winked at one another as they passed by them;
31; And when they went back to their people turned to make fun of them;
32; And when they saw them, they said: “They have indeed gone astray.”
33; But they were not Sent to be guardians over them!
34; So, the believers will laugh at the infidels on that day,
35; Regarding them from their cushioned seats.
36; Will not the infidels pay for what they had done?