English Quran | Read Quran

Chapter 69 (Sura 69)
2; What is the concrete reality?
3; What do you comprehend by the concrete reality?
4; The Thamud and ´Ad denied the consequential calamity.
5; So destroyed were the Thamud by a storm of thunder and lightning;
6; And the ´Ad were destroyed by the furious cold blast of roaring wind
7; Which He sent to assail them for seven nights and eight days running. You should have seen the people prostrate like the decayed trunks of date-palm trees.
8; Do you see any trace of them?
9; Then came the Pharaoh, and those before him whose habitations were overthrown while they were committing crimes.
10; When they disobeyed the apostle of their Lord He seized them with an overwhelming punishment.
11; When the water rose in flood, We bore you in the ark,
12; In order to make it a warning for you, and that the ear retentive may preserve it.
13; When the single blast is sounded on the trumpet,
14; And the earth and mountains heaved and crushed to powder with one levelling blow,
15; On that Day will come what is to come.
16; The sky will cleave asunder on that day and fall to pieces.
17; On its fringes will be angels, eight of them, bearing their Lord´s throne aloft.
18; You will then be set before Him, and not one of you will remain unexposed.
19; He who is given his ledger in his right hand, will say: “Here, read my ledger.
20; I was certain I´ll be given my account.”
21; So he shall have an agreeable life
22; In high empyrean
23; With fruits hanging low within reach,
24; (And told:) “Eat and drink to your fill as reward for (good) deeds you had done in days of yore.”
25; But whosoever gets his ledger in his left hand, will say: “Would that I were never given my ledger,
26; And not known my account!
27; I wish death had put an end to me.
28; Of no use was even my wealth.
29; Vanished has my power from me.”
30; “Seize him and manacle him,
31; Then cast him to be burnt in Hell;
32; And string him to a chain seventy cubits long.
33; He did not believe in God the supreme,
34; Nor urged others to feed the poor.
35; That is why he has no friend today,
36; Nor food other than suppuration (filth)
37; Which none but the hellish eat.”
38; So, I call to witness what you see
39; And what you do not see,
40; That this is indeed the word of the noble Messenger,
41; And not the word of a poet. How little is it that you believe!
42; Nor is it the word of a soothsayer. Little is it that you reflect!
43; It has been sent down by the Lord of all the worlds.
44; Had he attributed falsely any words to Us,
45; We would have seized him by his right hand,
46; Then cut off his aorta,
47; And not one of you would have been able to stop (Us).
48; It is really a reminder for those who fear God and follow the straight path.
49; We certainly know that some among you do deny it.
50; It is surely the nemesis of unbelievers.
51; And He, He is indeed the ultimate Reality.
52; So glorify your Lord, the most supreme.