English Quran | Read Quran

Chapter 82 (Sura 82)
1; WHEN THE SKY is split asunder,
2; And the stars dispersed,
3; When the oceans begin to flow,
4; When the graves are overturned,
5; Each soul will know what it had sent ahead and what it had left behind.
6; O man, what seduced you from your munificent Lord
7; Who created you then formed your symmetry, then gave you right proportion,
8; Shaping you into any form He pleased?
9; Even then you deny the Judgement.
10; Surely there are guardians over you,
11; Illustrious scribes
12; Who know what you do.
13; The pious will surely be in heaven,
14; The wicked certainly in Hell:
15; They will burn in it on the Day of Judgement,
16; And will not be removed from it.
17; How can you comprehend what the Day of Judgement is?
18; How then can you comprehend what the Day of Judgement is?
19; It is the day when no soul will have power to do the least for a soul, and God´s alone will be done.